MAK on Tour nach Bratislava in die Villa Arpád Lengyel

Sun, 8.5.2022 10 am4.30 pm
MAK – Museum of Applied Arts
Registration closed
With his 1929 interior design of a villa built by Friedrich Weinwurm for the Bratislava lawyer Arpád Lengyel, Josef Hoffmann created a holistic design work characteristic of the architect’s interiors of this period. MAK on TOUR offers a unique opportunity to visit this almost completely preserved ensemble, now in private hands.
10 a.m. Meeting Point MAK Columned Main Hall
Curator-Guided Tour JOSEF HOFFMANN: Progress Through Beauty,
focus on Villa Lengyel
11 a.m. Departure Vienna
12 noon Visit Villa Lengyel
1:30 p.m. Time at free disposal
3:30 p.m. Departure Bratislava
ca. 4:30 p.m. Arrival in Vienna
Tour guide
Rainald Franz, Curator of the exhibition JOSEF HOFFMANN: Progress Through Beauty and of the MAK Glass and Ceramics Collection
€ 59 regular
€ 53 reduced (with MAK Annual Ticket, MARS, students under 27, persons 65 or older or with a valid pensioner’s ID)
Included: exhibition tour, trip to Bratislava, visit and guided tour Villa Lengyel


A cycle tour from the Wüste (desert) to the Lobau with Jutta Matysek (Greenpeace)