MAK-it! Wearable Stains

with RESI Slow Fashion

Ever new trends, textile giants releasing dozens of new collections every year under precarious production conditions, shredded new products by international luxury labels, and the destruction of ecosystems due to piles of textile rubbish: Fashion and its industry are increasingly in the focus of the public eye with regard to consumer behavior, production processes, and sustainability. However: Expression through fashion does not necessarily mean exploitation, we can demand respect towards nature and humans in the production process. The meaning of the verb “to consume” is not confined to the act of buying but also extends to the further use and usage of our possessions. These time spans should consciously be enjoyed and prolonged by us valuing our clothing, taking care of it, passing it on, or repairing it. Many consumer patterns like, for example, repairing and passing on clothes seem to have taken a back seat while we as a throw-away society have developed different patterns throughout the last decades.
Sun, 10.3.2024 3 pm5 pm
MAK – Museum of Applied Arts
Do your clothes have stains? No problem. With visible mending—the visible repair of clothes—stains can creatively be covered with simple embroidery techniques. After a short tour of the exhibition CRITICAL CONSUMPTION, which critically views a field that like no other represents consumption as well as the constant wish for something new and for fast change, Serafina Spatt and Alina Saavedra Santis from RESI Slow Fashion will show you how it’s done.

The workshop series MAK-it! for adults offers the opportunity to try out a variety of craft skills and innovative techniques together with designers and creators. In the unique atmosphere of the MAK Columned Main Hall, you can create your own works of art.

€ 74 for tickets purchased online in presale

€ 80 for tickets purchased on the day at the MAK ticket office
But be aware that the event may be sold out!

MAK-it! three times: 3 × MAK-it! of your choice: € 180,-
MAK-it! together: 3 × MAK-it! of your choice for 2 people: € 340,-
Please get in touch with if you are interested in a subscription


A workshop with the artist Alma Bektas
with artist Florentina Leitner
with the artist and cultural anthropologist Anna Riess